We are proud to offer our 5 Star rated National and Home Breakdown Cover, providing one of the highest quality offerings on the market.

Latest update: 9th July 2020

As Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to impact all of our lives, we want to provide you with some important updates on:

  • How to buy cover
  • What to do if you break down in the UK
  • Any changes to our service
  • Our European cover

Are you looking to buy cover?

If you’re looking to purchase a breakdown policy with us, you can do this online by visiting https://www.rescuemycar.com/quoteandbuy/ or by calling 01423 535 795.

If you have a break down in the UK

If you’re self-isolating at home due to potentially having the virus, or because someone in your home has shown symptoms, we can only help you after your isolation period is over.

Once your isolation period is over, depending on your situation, please use the advice below if you break down.

If you break down

If you break down please contact us on 01423 535 795

Changes to our service when you break down

To maintain safe social distancing and keep everyone safe, if we can’t fix your vehicle at the roadside, You may have to remain in your vehicle as it’s being towed.

To make sure you get wherever you need to go, we’ll take you to a safe location where you can access public transport or have someone you know pick you up. Once you’re safe, we’ll take your vehicle to a different location if required.

An important update on European cover

First and foremost, before you travel or purchase any European cover from us, we highly recommend that you check the GOV website for the latest advice.

We’re still able to offer you cover across Europe, but there are some temporary limitations as we work within the guidelines set out by different countries.

Due to varying local conditions, we may not be able to offer you the same quality of cover we usually provide across some European countries. But, we will continue to try our best to help you quickly and effectively, wherever you are.

All customers with European cover are still covered. However, please do check the latest Government advice before travelling.

Additional information


For any MOT’s due between 30 March 2020 and 31st July 2020, MOT due dates for cars, motorcycles and light vans will be extended by 6 months. This is being done to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. So, it’s very important that you still look after your vehicle. Thankfully, garages are allowed to stay open for important maintenance and repair work. So, if your vehicle needs any work, your local garage may be able to do this for you.

Full details on how this will work can be found here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-mots-for-cars-vans-and-motorcycles-due-from-30-march-2020

However, any vehicle with a MOT due from 01/08/20 will not be given an extension and must have a valid MOT.

Also, rest assured that we’re here to help you and your vehicle if you do break down.

Plans for the future

We’re closely following Government and WHO guidance, and monitoring the situation. While the future is full of unknowns, we’ve put together contingency plans to help with potential challenges (such as any further travel restrictions).

We have taken steps to ensure our call centre will remain open and fully staffed 24/7

We’d like to thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time.

Broken Down?

Contact us and help will be on the way.

01423 535 795